Women’s Fellowship Update

To all ladies we can always use extra hands so if you would like to help with any of our activities please feel free to join us at any time – We would love to have some new faces and ideas!!!!
Help is always welcome!!!!!
The Work of The Women’s Fellowship For 2021
Held a baby shower for Baby Dawson
Held a bridal shower for Cameron and Spencer
Held yard sale, Chicken BBQ and Soup sales in Spring
Deliver Spring bags to shut-ins
Held Men’s banquet and Ladies banquet
Sold Chicken BBQ, soup, and baked goods in Fall
Helped with food for the Brandi and Joe Wingfield family
The women purchased a file cabinet and 4 white folding tables for the social hall.
Collected and delivered items for sunshine basket for Lola Strickler
Money given for Outreach:
Gift cards for Baby Shifflett, to Penny Hockman for birthday, Sylvia Wingfield as she recovered from kidney transplant, pianist, organist, treasurer, and folks working with sound system
$1000.00 to MaDee Project also $500.00 to CIA for
the MaDee Project
$500.00 to Disaster Auction
$500.00 to Brethren Woods for the Bucket Challenge
$1000.00 to Haiti relieve – Pastor Joseph Geordary
$500.00 to Christian Veterinary Ministry in thanks to Dr. Bowman – speaker at men’s banquet
$250.00 to Western State Christmas gift program

$1817.00 Spring Yard Sale, Chicken BBQ & soup
$1852.00 Fall Chicken BBQ, soup & baked goods sale
$522.00 in Honey Sales

Was given:
$2564.00 from Nurture Committee surplus