To all ladies we can always use extra hands so if you would like to help with any of our activities please feel free to join us at any time – We would love to have some new faces and ideas!!!!
Help is always welcome!!!!!
The Work of The Women’s Fellowship For 2021
Held a baby shower for Baby Dawson
Held a bridal shower for Cameron and Spencer
Held yard sale, Chicken BBQ and Soup sales in Spring
Deliver Spring bags to shut-ins
Held Men’s banquet and Ladies banquet
Sold Chicken BBQ, soup, and baked goods in Fall
Helped with food for the Brandi and Joe Wingfield family
The women purchased a file cabinet and 4 white folding tables for the social hall.
Collected and delivered items for sunshine basket for Lola Strickler
Money given for Outreach:
Gift cards for Baby Shifflett, to Penny Hockman for birthday, Sylvia Wingfield as she recovered from kidney transplant, pianist, organist, treasurer, and folks working with sound system
$1000.00 to MaDee Project also $500.00 to CIA for
the MaDee Project
$500.00 to Disaster Auction
$500.00 to Brethren Woods for the Bucket Challenge
$1000.00 to Haiti relieve – Pastor Joseph Geordary
$500.00 to Christian Veterinary Ministry in thanks to Dr. Bowman – speaker at men’s banquet
$250.00 to Western State Christmas gift program
$1817.00 Spring Yard Sale, Chicken BBQ & soup
$1852.00 Fall Chicken BBQ, soup & baked goods sale
$522.00 in Honey Sales
Was given:
$2564.00 from Nurture Committee surplus