If you are a member of Barren Ridge or a regular attender (during non-Covid), then this message is for you:
2020 was a traumatic time in the life of the church. 2021 is an opportunity to heal and to deepen our faith. The first route to that is through the regular discipline of prayer. So, here is our first project for 2021 and it is for everyone.
1. Next week, January 17, papers will be available to fill out to include your name, phone and email. If you are not in our 2020 directory, then you would include your address as well.
2. Fill the papers out and drop them in the basket provided NO LATER THAN, 8:45 a.m. January 24th. Please note the time and date. The deadline of 8:45 is a must to include the early worship service.
3. At the end of early worship or the beginning of late worship on the 24th please pick up a paper from the basket.
4. For two months, from January 24th through March 28th you are asked to pray for your person every day and communicate with them regularly. If you are able, take them out for coffee or visit. In other words, get to know the person you are praying for ~ their faith walk; struggles, their needs and their hearts desires and pray. At the end of the 2 months, place your prayer name back in the basket and we will repull another name for March – May. We will do this for the year.
5. A two month commitment is not too much. We will do this on a two month cycle, so that if someone needs to drop out, then they are able to.
It is our hope that you will develop your prayer life. Suggestions for prayers will be forthcoming.
Contact one of the pastors, and ask that your name be added to the basket. They will pull you a paper out of the basket and notify you of your prayer person.
We want all that can to participate. We will NOT let Covid-19 hurt our ministry to one another.
Please direct any questions to Pastor Janet or contact the church office.