The Crochet Group has been working hard after having missed all of January due to weather. Our numbers have dropped because of illness. Last year we made 50 cinch bags to include in Operation Christmas Child boxes. In December we donated 28 scarfs, 18 hats, 12 headbands and 3 hat/scarf combos to Disciples Kitchen. In early January Grace Dawson made a baby blanket and gave to Baby Olivia Prater in the name of the crochet group. For 2022 our projects will be: make shawls for ladies and lap blankets for men in nursing homes or ill at home; chemo caps for cancer treatment centers; make several cinch bags if any individuals would like to put in Operation Christmas Child Boxes. Recently we had two friends of the group give us ten knitted lap robes and numerous scarves. We invite you to join us from 1:30 PM to 3 PM in the library on the first and third Tuesdays of each month to crochet or knit, fellowship and pray. If you have questions or suggestions, see Doris Phillips.